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Weekly Events
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Prayer Night
Join us for a night of prayer every Thursday at 8 PM WIB on Zoom. You can access the Zoom link here.
Young Adults Fellowship
Our Young Adults Fellowship meets every Sunday at 3 PM. Contact Nathan or Jordan for more information.
Community Groups
Join one of our Community Groups as we study the book of Exodus together. Meeting places and times will vary for each group.
Sign up using the registration link or contact Nathan for more information.
teens Fellowship
Special Events
launching seminar
Launching seminar of the the full translation of "The Institutes of the Christian Religion by John Calvin into the Indonesian language. This is one of the most important books of the Christian faith for all time. This event is free, but requires registration ahead of time. Watch the promo video here.
During the seminar, the first book purchased will be sold at a special discounted price. Any copies after that will return to the original price.
Speakers: Rev. Stephen Tong, Dr. Peter Lillback, Dr. Herman Selderhuis, Rev. Yuzo Adinartha, Dr. Benyamin Intan, and Rev. David Tong
Date: Saturday, January 18, 2025
Time: 9.00 - 12.00 WIB
Location: RMCI, Kemayoran
Registration Link:
For more information, contact 0813 7000 3900
premarital class
Date: starts February 8, 2025 and continues every Saturday after that for 11 meetings.
Time: 15.30 WIB
Location: Kapel Agape, RMCI
Registration link:
cancer fellowship
GRII Pusat is opening a Cancer Fellowship for cancer patients and survivors. This fellowship seeks to help cancer patients who generally experience spiritual struggles and heavy burdens.
Some questions that often arise from patients are:
“Why did this happen to me?”
“Is God punishing me for my sins?"
“Will God answer my prayer for healing?”
For survivors, there is the fear that the cancer will return. These are things that people rarely understand.
However, God and His Word are abundant with hope, strength, rebuke, help, peace and joy for those who are willing to persevere in the struggle and continue to walk with Him.
For the month of January, it will be held on Wednesday, starting on January 22, at 10:30 am WIB online via Zoom.
For more information, please contact Robin (081 665 1873).